Monday, August 14, 2006

USA Today lies about Catholic stance on abortion

This is the kind of BS that really annoys to me because it is so easily refutable. Daniel C. Maguire, a professor of Moral Theology at Marquette University, writes today in USA TODAY:

The popes have taught that abortion is always forbidden, and the church hierarchy has held to a doctrine that strongly opposes it. Even so, grounds for permitting abortion exist in the Catholic tradition, and many Catholic theological authorities permit abortion in a variety of situations. There is even a pro-choice Catholic saint, the 15th century archbishop of Florence, St. Antoninus. He approved of early abortions when needed to save the life of the mother, a huge category in his day. There is thus no one Catholic view.

The intellectual dishonesty of this passage, written by a Catholic theologian, is astounding.

First, even if there were "grounds" for permitting abortion in Catholic Tradition, the Church's Magisterium has spoken. Abortion is gravely wrong. A Catholic's job is not to make up his own doctrine, his job is to accept the Magisterial doctrine, as the Magisterium is an office that Christ sanctioned: "He who hears you hears me".

Secondly there are no "Catholic theological authorities", as if theologians have some kind of magisterial function. When their opinions do not coincide with Magisterial teaching, their opinions are worthless.

Thirdly,even if St. Antoninus approved of abortions to save the life of the mother-- something I highly doubt-- that does not make him "pro-choice".

Never believe the MSM on religion.

The overwhelming attitude towards abortion throughout Church History is complete opposition, regardless of opinion on ensoulment.

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