Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pro-Lifers In Their Own Words #4: Denise Mountenay

Denise Moutenay is founder of Canada Silent No More, which reaches out to men and women who have had abortions, and to inform the public of the harm that abortion does to mothers and their loved ones. She is the author of Forgiven of Murder...a true story about her experience with abortion. She has brought her pro-life message to many countries around the world and the United Nations. She is also co-founder of Women for Life International.

This is her story:

At the age of 30, I grieved, I wailed and cried out to God to forgive me for all of my sins...including abortion. I read many scriptures about how God hated the shedding of innocent blood. Then on Jan. 28, 1988 I watched in horror as Henry Morgentaler won his case as the Supreme Court struck down our abortion law. I wept knowing that the floodgates of hell had opened wide and that many more babies would be sacrificed on his altars.

After reading a book on Pregnancy and ChildBirth I was shocked to see that my unborn babies actually had a beating heart by 3 weeks, arms, legs, fingers and toes by 8 weeks. The doctor had told me it was "just a clump of tissue" and a safe procedure...but I had ended up getting an infection, damaged cervix and badly scarred uterus.

For years I suffered with the guilt, shame, remorse and deep sorrow over the fact that abortion killed my children!! I couldnt be silent anymore! I began to do peaceful sidewalk counseling and was sued by Henry Morgentaler for being bad for his business. God was calling me to speak out about the pain of abortion and declare it was a wrong and not a right! In 2004 I began Canada Silent No More reaching out to other women hurt and damaged by legal abortion. The CBC The National did a documentary on my work and mission in 2005. The more I searched for truth, the more evidence I found that abortion was damaging women big time... I am determined to expose the lies and rhetoric of the abortion providers and expose the Breast Cancer link to abortion...and so God began to open doors for me to share my testimony in churches, schools, radio, prisons and the last few years He has sent me to the nations with this message including Israel, Moscow, Philippines, Ghana-Africa, Berlin, Northern Ireland and doing workshops at the United Nations...

Also wrote a book, Forgiven of murder...a true seller now.