Monday, September 22, 2008

Bring Back Chris Reid!!! *** NOW ***

Like Kathy Shaidle, Jay Currie, Blazing Catfur and Ghost of a Flea I am also unhappy that Chris Reid was sacked by the Conservative Party of Canada.

Chris Reid is pro-life.Proudly pro-life. I've seen him publicly defend unborn children in facebook debates.

But Suzanne, he's gay...

So I'll say a rosary for him. I'm willing to overlook that the same way I am willing to overlook people who shack up, or are divorced and remarried.

Chris Reid is a good guy and the CPC should have gone to bat for him. It's shameless the way the party drops their candidates once they show any shade of conservatism.

Note to CPC party headquarters: tend to your base!

Note to Blogging Tories, if you want to be conservatives and not a bunch of shameless Kool-Aid drinkers, I suggest you blog for his return as well.