Saturday, January 06, 2007

Niagara radio station pulls pro-life ad

Quoting from Socon or Bust:

I received an e-mail from Alliance for Life's Ontario director, Jakki Jeffs. Here is the substantial text of Jakki's e-mail:

January 5th 2007
From: Jakki Jeffs

Hello everyone, I am writing for your help. Following this message you will see the script of four ads that were contracted with Y108 radio station by Niagara Region Right to Life. This campaign was "pulled" by the station manager, Suzanne Carpenter because the station received 7 complaints! I have attached our formal letter to Ms Carpenter for your information and now ask for your assistance. I will not repeat what I have said in my letter but encourage you to read it and then send your comments to the following.

Suzanne Carpenter, Station Manager Y108
Suite 900,
875, Main Street West
L8S 4R1
905 521 9900

John Cassaday, President Corus Entertainment
Corus Entertainment Inc.,
181, Bay Street, Suite 1630
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2T3
416 642 3770
416 642-3779 fax

Heather Shaw, Executive Chair Corus Entertainment
Corus Entertainment Inc.,
630-3rd Avenue SW, Suite 510
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4L4
403 444 4244
403 444-4242fax

read more!

Here are the so-called "offensive" radio ads:

1) When they say that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, aren’t they forgetting someone? I did….and I regret my abortion.

2) When they say that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, aren’t they forgetting someone? I did….abortion harms more than just the baby.

3) When they say that abortion will solve your problem…the truth is that it cost us everything. Our baby, our peace of mind and each other.

4) When they say that abortion will solve your problems…the truth is that it can cause suicidal thoughts, depression, guilt and often infertility.

Trailer: This message comes to you from Niagara Region Right To Life.

I would add that if the station didn't want to broadcast those messages, it shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place.