Sunday, November 19, 2006

Anti-Catholicism rears its ugly head at Bread n Roses Forum

Yes, it's time once again for another spotlight on the ladies at Bread n Roses. This post has to do with their rampant anti-Catholicism.

I can take disagreement with my faith. Living in this world, you see and hear opinions contrary to one's own all the time.

But at Bread n Roses, what they promote is sheer bigotry and ignorance.

Some ladies at Bread n Roses are P'O'ed that Nicaragua decided to stand up for unborn children and ban abortion.Some of the reactions were pretty hysterical:

Debra says:

So the church has won the battle to kill women. Now maybe they can reinstitute the Malleus Maleficarum, change their mind again on Galileo, and bring in a law to silence all those crazy scientists who keep faking dinosaur skeletons.

Let's deconstruct that statement.

So the church has won the battle to kill women.

No Debra, the Church is not out to kill women. That is your feminist fantasy. Abortion is never medically necessary. If there is a situation where the baby and the mother will die-- such as an ectopic pregnancy, an early delivery can take place, according to Catholic belief.

What kind of crazed bigot are you for saying that that Catholic Church is out to kill women? What gives you the moral right to assume that? Do you even know any faithful Catholics? Do you honestly believe they want women dead?

As a faithful Catholic I'll tell you straight up: no they do not.

Now maybe they can reinstitute the Malleus Maleficarum

More hysteria. The persecution of witches was a relatively short-lived event (for an institution of 2000 year history) and mostly confined to France and Germany. Do you really believe that Catholics are out to bring back witch-burning?

What evidence do you have?


They why do you spread such bigotry?

Oh, I get it: it's okay when the target is Catholics.

change their mind again on Galileo, and bring in a law to silence all those crazy scientists who keep faking dinosaur skeletons.

A Church court does not set Catholic doctrine. There was never any Church doctrine on geocentricism, which is why Gallileo was never charged with heresy, but being suspect of heresy. (Because there was no doctrine to begin with). I know such subtleties escape you because it's just easier to make glib anti-Catholic statements.

The Catholic Church also happens to be a great patron of science. The Vatican has its own observatory, and it is definitively not in the lead on creationism. If anything, there are many faithful Catholics who believe in evolution.

How ridiculously over the top the rhetoric is.

Debra fumes:

Yes it is about choice and making sure women have none.

No choice on their own sexuality

*purity balls
*denial of contraception
*denial of abortion
*denial of right to say no in marriage
*denial of right to limit family size

no choice on whether or not to be mothers

*see above
*shamed and brainwashed by churches that womans only purpose is to serve and procreate

and no choice on what to do with their lives

*must live according to the dictates of church and husband

Let's deconstruct that:
No choice on their own sexuality

Yes, morality is a bitch, isn't it? People have all kinds of choices. No one takes away choice. But not all choices are moral. If you think Catholic women have no choices about their sexuality, I have news for you. Choice isn't limited to abortion and contraception.

*purity balls

That's not a Catholic phenomenon, but even if it were, so what? You have a problem with girls remaining chaste before marriage?

*denial of contraception

So take away the choice of Catholic doctors to follow their religion and not dispense. Oh, I see, choice only matters if it's feminist.

*denial of abortion

In the name of standing up for unborn children. You feminists always seem to forget that part.

*denial of right to say no in marriage

There's no right to rape in marriage, if that's what you're getting at.

*denial of right to limit family size

What a ridiculous concept. Have you read Humanae Vitae? That is simply not true. You can space family size for serious reasons.

no choice on whether or not to be mothers

That damned morality again. Mustn't do what a woman's body is programmed to do-- give birth.

Listen, if somebody doesn't like Catholic doctrine, they can choose not to be Catholic. We're not automatons.

*must live according to the dictates of church and husband

I choose to live by Church teaching. Most of Nicaragua does. Do you not respect their CHOICE?

And if you think my husband orders me around, I have news for you.