Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bread n Roses poster: Bev Oda is a slut

So the SOW supporters are yet again writing Bev Oda about the SOW cuts.

And what does fern hill have to write?

Thanks. Done. Wrote to Olivia (keep up the good work), Bev (you slut), and 5 friends.


How feminist of you.


Fern hill writes:

I have a fan! For the humour-impaired (and they say feminists are humourless), the 'you slut' remark was a reference to SNL. [rolleyes]

Oh, and that justifies EVERYTHING.

Why do the mouth-breathers go so berserk over words like 'cunt' and 'slut'?

Oh, I don't know, maybe it has something to do with using improper language to give a Minister a sexually-charged reputation.

It's not okay to call Belinda Stronach a whore (when she behaves like one).

But A-OK to call Bev Oda a "slut" as a joke.

Debra writes:

They didn't seem to have a problem with it when using it against Stronach.

Precisely. It was feminist-friendly people who objected.

Yeah, they're PMing each other now. I can tell. I have a Sitemeter.


fern hill writes:

Think she'll change it now that it's been explained what a dolt she is?

Oh, that's the justification: it's SNL skit, so let's call Bev Oda a slut?

How ridiculously adolescent.

skdadl writes:

I call that a tribute, fern hill. She wrote a whole blogpost about vous and vous alone. And she gave BnR a link and everything. Free advertising! Ain't capitalism wunnerful?

Yay! Bread N Roses is the forum where Bev Oda was called a slut! Fantastic advertizing for a feminist forum. I'm all for letting the world know that you demeaned an ideological opponent with a word that is supposed to be verboten for feminists.


fern hill writes:

And she called me (I guess) her Sitemeter,

No I didn't. I said I could tell they're PMing each other because I have a Sitemeter.

while her obsessive visiting here is what? An unpleasant but necessary duty?


Update #4

Debra writes:

Interesting too how it is ok to call women sows

I don't call women sows. I call the supporters of Status of Women Sows, just like fern hill calls right-wingers "mouth breathers".

it is ok to take away equality

No one's taking away equality. De-funding a government agency does not take away equality.

Besides, I reject the conception of equality that requires equality of outcome. Men don't have that guarantee between each other. Women shouldn't expect it either. One should expect the opportunity to be judged on one's merit.

it is ok to defund womens shelters

They weren't defunded. Besides, that's a provincial jurisdiction. You don't like the way women's shelters are funded? Take it up with your provincial government.

but don't call one of theirs names even in jest or righteous indignation sets in.

Bread n Roses posters call people names all the time. What is so striking about this name-calling is that is has a sexually-charged connotation-- one that feminists themselves condemn.


Debra says that if REAL Women get their way, life will look like a 1950's home ec book.

More bigotry on their part.


DeBeauxOs writes

There is no implicit or explicit expectation that the husband will reciprocate with the same consideration.

Probably because the audience is girls. However, I can point to a manual for husbands published in 1957. It explainst to husbands how to be good husbands.

I think feminists have ridiculous ideas about how people thought in 1957.