Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mel Gibson vs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

We've heard many a condemnation of Mel Gibson for being an anti-semite, even if he's apologized, even if he's reach out to the Jewish Community, even if he was supposed to have developed a project about Dutch Jews, even if he hired a Jewish actress to play Mary in the Passion, no, no, say one bad thing while inebriated, that brands you FOR LIFE.

Isn't it interesting that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made anti-semitic statements while sober yet they continue to receive the approbation of left-wingers?

"Not to put too fine a point on this, but we haven't heard much out of the two National Guardians of Political Correctness—Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton—on this [Mel] Gibson thing. Jackson, of course, gained infamy in 1984 for referring to Jews as 'Hymie' and New York as 'Hymietown.' And, according to 2001 column in the Seattle Times, columnist Edward Alexander wrote of Sharpton: '[I]t is common knowledge that [Sharpton] incited anti-Jewish violence in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn in 1991 and in Harlem in 1995.' So where are Al and Jesse? Why, they're over in Connecticut helping out on the campaign of Ned Lamont, primary opponent of Sen. Joe Lieberman. See a pattern here? It is a pattern which is deeply unhelpful." —Rich Galen

HT: Conservative Zone

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