Saturday, July 22, 2006

People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

"People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing". This is a famous Dr. Philism.

In Halifax, Show the Truth, the group that displays images of aborted fetuses, was met with pro-aborts who, as one article put it" aggressively held umbrellas, blankets and cardboard signs in front of Show the Truth protesters - blocking the startling images from passing motorists."

What is it they want to hide? Do they not want people to know what happens during an abortion?

If there's one thing feminists want to bury in the debate, it's the fetus. The only way they know how to counter what we say is to try to get us to shut up. I've seen this time and time again. They want the eyes taken off the fetus so that the debate is 100% focused on the woman, NEVER ever taking into account the interests of the unborn child, as if he's a non-entity, which is ridiculous.

That's why this is offensive to them. It's not so much the gruesome photos that disturb. When they look at abortion picture, they don't just see gross pictures. They see people trying to attack their sacrosanct so-called right to kill their fetuses for whatever reason.

In order to protect that so-called right to kill their fetuses, they must preserve the notion in the public's mind that whatever happens to the fetus-- at whatever stage of pregnancy, from conception to late-term abortion-- is of no concern to the public. That the baby is torn limb from limb, suffers and dies is nothing for the public to question. All that matters is that this dismemberment happens inside a woman's body, therefore it's no one's concern.

Where have we heard that before?

So many people have used that phrase 'none of your business" to justify killing or hurting other members of the human race. It's a lame excuse. It's basically trying to shut down the debate by saying there is none, when we know damned well there is one.

More and more, pro-aborts won't debate pro-lifers on the issue of fetal rights. They know that to debate fetal rights is setting them up for them to lose.

Read an article about Show the Truth in Halifax

UPDATE: PICTURES AND VIDEO showing the poor-choicers doing their thing. From poor-choicers no less.

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