Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Is Abortion killing? Many abortionists say YES

I got this from a post on


Whic is my web board. Thanks to Sarah for posting it. You can visit her site at:


The new abortion quotes site is at Abortion Quotes I encourage anyone interested in the abortion issue to come check it out. A lot of stuff has been added, and a lot more is in the works.

I am going to post three pages of quotes today, all by pro-choice clinic workers and doctors.Here is the first part.

This is not graphic.

This quote from an abortion provider appeared on a pro-choice blog "I have the utmost respect for life; I appreciate that life starts early in the womb, but also believe that I'm ending it for good reasons. Often I'm saving the woman, or I'm improving the lives of the other children in the family. I also believe that women have a life they have to consider. If a woman is working full-time, has one child already, and is barely getting by, having another child that would financially push her to go on public assistance is going to lessen the quality of her life. And it's also an issue for the child, if it would not have had a good life. Life's hard enough when you're wanted and everything's prepared for. So yes, I end life, but even when it's hard, it's for a good reason."

"If I see a case...after twenty weeks, where it frankly is a child to me, I really agonize over it because the potential is so imminently there...On the other hand, I have another position, which I think is superior in the hierarchy of questions, and that is "who owns this child?" It's got to be the mother."

--Dr. James MacMahon, who performs D & X abortions, in Nat Hentoff "It's Just Too Late: Third Trimester abortions are an Outrage and an Insult to the Human Race" July 27, 1993 Pittsburg Post-Gazette

Magda Denes PhD wrote the book In Necessity and Sorrow: Life and Death in an Abortion Hospital published by Basic Books Inc. in New York. Although it was published in 1976, the facts of fetal development have not changed.

"I dare say any thinking sensitive individual can't not realize that he is ending life or potential life." ----Dr. Charles Bender (pg 64) Necessity and Sorrow

"A lot of people say they're killing their baby. You get a lot of that. Some people afterwards get very upset and say 'I killed my baby.' Or even before, they say 'My circumstances are such that I can't keep it, but I'm killing my baby.' They wouldn't rather have the baby, and give it up for adoption either. If you go into that with them they will say that they could never do that...and yet they still consider it killing the baby...well, they are killing a baby. I mean, they are killing something that would develop into maturity...You have to realize that these children would be unwanted and a lot of times uncared for, so its much better that they are not brought into the world."

---Dora Greenwald, M.S.W. (pg. 77) Necessity and Sorrow

"When you do a D & C most of the tissue is removed by the Olden forceps or ring clamp and you actually get gross parts of the fetus out. So you can see a miniature person so to speak, and even now I occasionally feel a little peculiar about it because as a physician I'm trained to conserve life and here I am destroying life."

--Benjamin Kalish, M.D. (pg 140) Necessity and Sorrow

From Michael Christie, M.D. (pg 143) Necessity and Sorrow :

"In the beginning I was mixed up because I was taught by the Hippocratic Oath not to take a life."

From Robert Harris, M.D. (pg 147) Necessity and Sorrow:

"It [abortion] goes against all things which are natural. It's a termination of a life, however you look at it."

From the article "Abortion Providers Share Inner Conflicts" which appeared in the July 12 1993 issue of AAA News, a publication of the American Medical Association:

"I have angry feelings at myself for feeling good about grasping the calvaria [head], for feeling good about doing a technically good procedure that destroys a fetus, kills a baby."

"It [abortion] is a form of killing. You're ending a life."

-- Ron Fitzimmons, the executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, in David Stout, "An Abortion Rights Advocate Says He Lied about Procedure" New York Times. February 26, 1997; A-12.

From the Dallas Observer 3/18/95Former clinic administrator Charlotte Taft:

"We were hiding from the women some of the pieces of truth about abortion that were threatening....It is a kind of killing."

From M.D. Doctors Talk About Themselves by John Pekkanen.(Delcorte Press: New York, 198 (pgs 90-91)

"Nobody wants to perform abortions after ten weeks because by then you see the features of the baby, hands, feet. It's really barbaric. Abortions are very draining, exhausting, and heartrending. There are a lot of tears. Sometimes patients turn on you. They say, "Let's get out of here," after the abortion, as if you're some dirty person. It's vicious. Then you get these teenyboppers in the office who laugh their way through it. It doesn't mean a thing to them. That bothers me...I do them because I take the attitude that women are going to terminate babies and deserve the same kind of treatment as women who carry babies...I've done a couple thousand, and it turned into a significant financial boon, but I also feel I've provided an important service. The only way I can do an abortion is to consider only the woman as my patient and block out the baby..."

"It [the fetus] is a form of life...This has to be killing...The question then becomes "is this kind of killing justifiable? In my own mind, it is justifiable, but only with the informed consent of the mother."

--Abortionist quoted in "Democrat and Chronicle" 7/5/92

From the book Lovejoy: A Year in the Life of an Abortion Clinic by Peter Korn published by The Atlantic Monthly Press in New York in 1996. Abortion counselor Tim Shuck is quoted on pg. 94 :

"I have never denied that human life begins at conception. If I have a complaint about our society, it's that we don't deal with death and dying. Do we believe human beings have a right to make decisions about death and dying? Yes we do, and those decisions are made every day in every hospital."

"Is abortion murder? All killing isn't murder...."

--Don Sloan, MD, abortion provider, author of "Abortion: A Doctor's Perspective, A Woman's Dilemma." Quoted in "Abortion: Opposing Viewpoints" edited by Tamara L. Roleff.

"Berkeley Medical Journal" Spring 1995 Edition "The Abortionist" by LeoWang

"Abortion is killing the fetus....Human life, in and of itself, is not sacred. Human life, per se, is not inviolate." --abortionist Dr. Smith [psuedonym]

No one, neither the patient receiving an abortion, nor the person doing the abortion, is ever, at anytime, unaware that they are ending a life..."

--Abortion provider William F Harrison, MD, FACOG, from the essay "Why I Provide Abortions" 1996.